Hallee Wong

Hello! I am a PhD candidate at MIT CSAIL advised by John Guttag and Adrian Dalca in the Clinical and Applied Machine Learning Group. My research interests are in computer vision and deep learning, with applications to healthcare. I am particularly excited about developing human-centered AI for medical imaging.

Prior to MIT, I worked on health economics and outcomes research at Analysis Group. I graduated with a BA in Mathematics from Williams College in 2018.

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[Jan 2025] Attended NA-MIC Project Week and started developing a 3D Slicer Plugin for ScribblePrompt
[Dec 2024] Released the preprint for MultiverSeg!
[Oct 2024] I was featured in a CSAIL Alliances Student Spotlight
[Oct 18 2024] Gave a talk at the 5th Annual Boston Medical Image Analysis Workshop on interactive models for universal medical image segmentation
[Oct 2024] Attending ECCV! I will present ScribblePrompt as a poster on Tuesday afternoon (Oct 1st 4:30-6:30pm; poster #70) and as a demo on Thursday morning (Oct 3rd 10:30-12:30pm)
[Sep 2024] ScribblePrompt was featured in a MIT News Article and video produced by MIT CSAIL
[July 2024] ScribblePrompt was accepted to ECCV!
[June 17 2024] ScribblePrompt received the Bench-to-Bedside Paper Award for potential clinical impact at the DCAMI Workshop @ CVPR 2024!
[June 2024] Attending CVPR! I will present ScribblePrompt at the Data Curation and Augmentation in Medical Imaging (DCAMI) workshop, the WiCV workshop, and as a demo. Check out Tyche in the main conference!
[May 2024] passed my RQE and officially became a PhD candidate!
[Feb 2024] Tyche was accepted to CVPR and selected as a highlight!
[Dec 2023] Released the preprint for ScribblePrompt. Try ScribblePrompt for yourself in our interactive online demo!
[Oct 2023] gave a talk to the Cornell Sabuncu Lab about our work on ScribblePrompt
[June 2023] presented a poster on stochastic interactive segmentation at the WiCV workshop @ CVPR
[April 2023] presented a poster on interactive segmentation at the MIT-MGB AI Cures Conference
[Nov 2022] presented a poster on probabilistic interactive segmentation at WiML and the MedNeurIPs workshop @ NeurIPs


MultiverSeg: Scalable Interactive Segmentation of Biomedical Imaging Datasets with In-Context Guidance
Hallee Wong, Jose Javier Gonzalez Ortiz, John Guttag, Adrian Dalca
arXiv 2024
arXiv / website / code

MultiverSeg enables users to interactively segment new biomedical imaging datasets efficiently, by amortizing the number of interactions per image to achieve an accurate segmentation.

Learning General-Purpose Biomedical Volume Representations using Randomized Synthesis
Neel Dey, Benjamin Billot, Hallee E. Wong, Clinton J. Wang, Mengwei Ren, P. Ellen Grant, Adrian Dalca, Polina Golland
ICLR 2025
arXiv / code

We introduce Anatomix, a general-purpose feature extractor for 3D volumes, trained entirely on synthetic data.

ScribblePrompt: Fast and Flexible Interactive Segmentation for Any Medical Image
Hallee Wong, Marianne Rakic, John Guttag, Adrian Dalca
ECCV 2024
CVPR 2024 Workshop on Data Curation and Augmentation in Medical Imaging (oral)
Bench-to-Bedside Paper Award
arXiv / website / online demo / demo video / code & dataset / MIT News / press video

We introduce algorithms for simulating realistic scribble interactions, and develop models that enable users to interactively segment unseen tasks using scribbles, clicks, and bounding boxes.

Tyche: Stochastic In-Context Learning for Universal Medical Image Segmentation
Marianne Rakic, Hallee Wong, Jose Javier Gonzalez Ortiz, Beth Cimini, John Guttag, Adrian Dalca
CVPR 2024 (highlight)
arXiv / website / video / code / MIT News

Probabilistic Interactive Segmentation for Medical Images
Hallee Wong, John Guttag, Adrian Dalca
MedNeurIPS: Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS Workshop, 2022. Extended Abstract
pdf / poster

Evaluating Learned and Rule-Based Policies for Hospital Bed Assignment
Hallee Wong
Thesis for S.M. degree, MIT EECS, 2022
Advisor: John Guttag
thesis / poster

Long-term burden of respiratory complications associated with extreme prematurity: An analysis of US Medicaid claims
Meredith Mowitz, Wei Gao, Heather Sipsma, Pete Zuckerman, Hallee Wong, Rajeev Ayyagari, Sujata Sarda, Csaba Siffel
Pedicatrics & Neonatology, 2022

Real-world and natural history data for drug evaluation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: suitability of the North Star Ambulatory Assessment for comparisons with external controls
Francesco Muntoni, James Signorovitch, Gautam Sajeev, Nathalie Goemans, Brenda Wong, Cuixia Tian, Eugenio Mercuri, Nicolae Done, Hallee Wong, Jackson Moss, Zhiwen Yao, Susan Ward, Adnan Manzur, Laurent Servais, Erik Niks, Volker Straub, Imelda JM de Groot, Craig McDonald, The North Star Clinical Network
Neuromuscular Disorders, 2022

Markerless Augmented Advertising for Sports Videos
Hallee Wong, Osman Akar, Emmanuel Antonio Cuevas, Iuliana Tabian, Divyaa Ravichandran, Iris Fu, Cambron Carter
ACCV 2018 Workshop on Advanced Machine Vision for Real-life and Industrially Relevant Applications
(Best Poster Award)
arxiv / paper / blog / poster / video

Categorical Co-Frequency Analysis: Clustering Diagnosis Codes to Predict Hospital Readmissions
Hallee Wong
Thesis for B.A. degree, Williams College, 2018
Advisors: Steve Miller and Brianna Heggeseth
arxiv / thesis / code / slides

Other Projects

photo credit: Agnieszka Kurant

photo credit: Agnieszka Kurant

Generative AI for Art
"Semiotic Life"

Collaborated with artist, Agnieszka Kurant, on a conceptual art piece for the 2022 Venice Biennale.

Last updated: Feb 3 2025

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